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Trademark Registry

[Address of the Trademark Registry]

[City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Withdrawal of Trademark Application

Trademark Application No: [Trademark Application Number]

Trademark: [Trademark]

Applicant: [Your Name]

To the Registrar,

I, [Your Name], the applicant of the above-mentioned trademark application, hereby submit this application for the withdrawal of the trademark application. I request the Registrar to consider and process this application for withdrawal in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trademark Act.

Reason for Withdrawal:

After careful consideration and review of the trademark application, I have decided to withdraw the application due to [provide the reason for withdrawal, such as a change in business strategy, discontinuation of the product/service, or any other relevant reason].

Request for Withdrawal:

I hereby request the Registrar to accept and process this application for the withdrawal of the trademark application [Trademark Application Number]. I understand that by withdrawing the application, I will relinquish any rights and claims associated with the proposed trademark.

Confirmation of Withdrawal:

I confirm that I have not assigned, licensed, or otherwise transferred any rights or interests in the proposed trademark [Trademark] to any third party. I further confirm that I have not commenced any legal proceedings or actions based on the proposed trademark.


I have enclosed the following documents with this application:

  1. Copy of the Trademark Application [Trademark Application Number]
  2. Proof of Identity (copy of [Your Identification Document])
  3. Proof of Address (copy of [Your Address Document])

I request the Registrar to acknowledge the withdrawal of the trademark application and notify me of the same.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that the Registrar will process this withdrawal application promptly and inform me of the withdrawal confirmation.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Trademark Applicant]

[Trademark Application Number]